Pășunea lui Blackie în Tiburon, California

Adventure este așa, Mamă!
Deci, în această dimineață m-am dus la Southern Marin pentru o întâlnire dentară și suspin … ce pot să spun? Simt că m-am dus la dentist în fiecare zi în această vară. Heck, totuși, sunt recunoscător pentru stomatologia modernă, pentru că mă pot gândi doar la stomatologia medievală fiind de un milion de ori mai rău.

Insula Belevedere este în dreapta.
Am lăsat pe Novato foarte devreme pentru a evita traficul săptămânii și, de obicei, o unitate de o oră a durat doar 30 de minute. În mod surprinzător, traficul nu a fost prea rău astăzi, așa că am ajuns cu timpul pentru a-mi cruța în vechile mele motive de stomping de Mill Valley. Victorii mici! Pentru că am ajuns acolo atât de repede, l-am luat pe Connor la locul ăsta El Hub și cu mine obișnuia să merg la jogging în jurul pășunei lui Blackie, care se află în frumosul oraș Tiburon.


Unde sunt toate pisicile, mama?
În mod obișnuit, oamenii jogging și mergând câinii și, în zilele însorite, îl puteți vedea pe Sausalito pe dreapta, insula Belvedere din stânga și San Francisco în golf.

Era o bancă de ceață care atârnă astăzi, așa că nu am putut face cu adevărat SF în depărtare, dar am putut să văd un pic de orizont.

Tide’s Out.

Întotdeauna am iubit culorile aici. Această perioadă a anului, turful se usucă și se transformă într-un galben bogat de aur și îmi place modul în care seamănă sub cerul albastru și oceanul …


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

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Ceață … Oh, ceața!
Connor avea un timp mare, desigur. A spus Bună tuturor celor pe care o văzu și încercată să alunge șapte sau opt câini. La un moment dat, tocmai am renunțat la numărare. Aparent, ea credea că vom lua toate animalele acasă cu noi. Baby prostie.

Hei Girl, Haaaay!
Sf în depărtare
Este trippy luându-l pe Connor în locuri unde am petrecut o mulțime de timp pentru că le amintesc într-un anumit mod în mintea mea, dar acum este diferit împărtășind-le cu o nouă persoană mică, dacă asta are sens? Nu știu … probabil petrec prea mult timp în capul meu.

Un loc senin de gândit
Să mergem prieteni cu câțiva câini!
Vedeți casele din dreapta? Pun pariu că opiniile lor sunt epice!


Oricare, dacă sunteți vreodată în sudul Marin, pop de pășunatul lui Blackie pentru vederi și o plimbare bună. Este gratuit, și există o cantitate bună de parcare a autovehiculului (doar asigurați-vă că ascundeți obiecte de valoare în mașină, deoarece au existat unele spargeri câțiva ani înapoi).

Farmecul tău prietenos de farmec dependent,


Lancôme Monsieur huge Mascara as well as Marker

That’s Lancôme Monsieur huge Marker liner on my upper lids, MAC Prissy Princess combination on my eyes, MAC Fleur Power blush on my cheeks, as well as Nudestix Matte Lipstick in Saint on my buze.
Lancôme’s new Monsieur huge collection, which includes a mascara as well as a separate liner, is so undoubtedly a shout-out to Sex as well as the City’s colossal character, however ya know, I’m team Aiden for Life, since when a guy volunteers to buff your hardwood floors…that’s true like ideal there.

Team Aiden for life, yo
The Monsieur huge collection is new to Lancôme

The collection includes a $25 black mascara, a $25 black liquid liner as well as a new line of five chubby $25 brow crayons (haven’t tried those, though), all of which are offered on Lancôme counters as well as the Lancôme web site acum. I’m quite sure they’re all LE.


Lancôme Monsieur huge Mascara ($25)

Layers upon layers

Monsieur huge Mascara is all about length, meaning as well as texture, however you requirement A great deal of layers to get there.

I phone call these rock ‘n’ roll lashes since if you look carefully at them after stacking on a few layers, the lashes look bumpy, as well as the a lot more layers you apply, the bumpier they get.

It’s a casually remarkable lash look in shape for musicians as well as actresses (or you as well as me!), since you can see the lashes from truly far away. as well as the long-lasting, sweat-proof formula won’t go anywhere, not even under hot stage lights.


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

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This is me using five (!) layers of Monsieur huge Mascara on my upper lashes.
To get to that point on its own, though, takes me about four layers.

So, I believe of this as a real-deal layering mascara that works finest when you integrate it with other mascaras in your arsenal, as well as I like utilizing it with a base of MAC additional dimension Waterproof, which thickens the roots as well as locks down the lash curl (two things that Monsieur huge needs a bit assist with), upon which I add a couple coats of Monsieur Big.

Lancôme Monsieur huge Marker liner ($25)
Lancôme Monsieur huge Marker liner for thin, rich, shiny black lines

I like Lancôme Monsieur huge Marker liner for a extremely certain look — skinny, intensely black shiny lines on my upper lids (goes truly well with with mattes as well as satin shadows). The rigid felt applicator has a slanted idea that tapers to a extremely fine point, as well as I’m diggin’ that fine point. It draws thin, exact lines, and, when you have restricted lid genuine estate like I do, this is SO. CHEIE.

It dries in less than 30 seconds, too, so you aren’t stuck waiting with your eyes closed for days for your liner to dry, as well as the smudge-proof, water-proof formula lasts of what feels like YEARS.

But drawing flicks at the outer corners with the rigid applicator is hit or miss for me. Sometimes, it goes well, however other times it’s a hot-freakin’ mess, as well as I’m sitting there correcting wings with a odd angle while thinking, “Well, that was a poor idea! I should’ve left well sufficient alone.”

You understand exactly how it is. Those flicks can make or break it, man.

I like versatile liquid liner ideas like the ones from Tom Ford as well as Clinique, however if you can flick with a rigid tip, a lot more power to ya. You’ll most likely like this. perhaps even like it.

I just realized that..

SATC debuted in 1998, which indicates that the show will be 20 years old next year, as well as THAT IS SO crazy TO ME!!! I still keep in mind hearing about it for the very first time from a co-worker as well as having no inkling of what she was speaking about.


I still get emo when I enjoy the last scene from the final season… In lots of ways, I desire they would’ve just ended it there instead of making the movies. It’s still one of my preferred shows, though.

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Hero-uri de machiaj Unsung: Hourglass Femeie Lip Stylo în Explorer

Lăudați să fie la rujul coral! Hourglass Femeie Lip Stylo în Explorer este Errrrrrthang
Seria Long-Eroes Unsung Heroes chiar aici pe machiaj, precum și un blog de apel oferă câteva dintre produsele noastre de colectare pe termen lung preferat pe termen lung.

Înțelegi când stai în mijlocul lui Sephora, adu la fel de mult cum poți să-ți aduci labele tale, totuși vedeți un ruj mult mai coral care face ca ochii tăi să lumineze, precum și tu crezi: “Oh, Băieți, nu … am ajuns la fel de mult. Îmi cer cu adevărat încă un ruj de corali?

FATĂ. Răspunsul este da. Răspunsul este întotdeauna da.


Continuă să mă descoperim să ajung la Hourglass Femeie Lip Stylo în Explorer pe femeia mea datează în ultima vreme. Este un coral plin de culoare roz. Nu este un coral incredibil de strălucitor-y, așa că nu merge în costum / teritoriu de epocă … care poate fi un aspect absolut kick- ss, sigur, cu siguranță trebuie să fiu în starea de spirit pentru asta.

Cred că este un remarcabil zilnic neutru.

Femeia Bip Stylos este de 32 de dolari fiecare, astfel încât acestea sunt absolut pe partea costisitoare, totuși dacă aveți buze uscate (pe care le fac!), Sau, dacă nu puteți să-l poziționați atunci când rujul se rupe sau devine patchy sau de blocare pe fulgii dvs. sau dacă vă place doar rujurile ușor de întreținut, pe care le puteți arunca oriunde, chiar dacă traversați strada Market în Sf, pe care am absolut absolut weekend-ul trecut, sunt dincolo de mare A!


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

Cumpără acum

Cremă, precum și oh, atât de hidratante, se simt uimitoare pe buzele mele (sunt nefavorate, precum și necunoscute, apropiate), precum și durează aproximativ trei ore.

Oh, precum și obțineți acest lucru: Chiar dacă am avut explorator de luni, precum și l-am folosit de multe ori, ideea creionului nu a aplatizat. Este încă punct! Nu înțeleg ce tip de machiaj Voodoo este la locul de muncă, totuși orice a făcut Hourglass, ceva păstrează ideea.

Femeie de owglass Bip Stylos din partea de sus: credincios, creator, explorator, căutător, precum și pacemaker

Apropo, dacă aveți paleta Becca X Chrissy Teigan, aveți absolut cerință Explorer! Da, îl certați. Cei doi fac muzică minunată împreună.

Senita Shads.

Ok, am crezut că a fost amuzant. Când prietenul meu bun Jen a întrebat ce am făcut pentru a-mi exercita aceste zile, i-am spus despre acele clase de hip de două ori pe săptămână, precum și a declarat că erau atât de teribil, cât și de oribil la exact același timp, la care Ea a spus: “Asta pare a fi ceva ce ai spus.”

Haha! E așa de adevărat. Aș prefera să am un antrenament brutal decât unul obositor.

Oricum, am folosit noile pantaloni scurți de antrenament pe care l-am adus săptămâna trecută (sunt cei cu stratul de compresie sub pantaloni scurți reali). Din fericire, obrajii mei de pradă nu au făcut nici un individ când făceam burpies, yay!


Cel puțin nu cred că au … Hmm …

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The metropolitan Decay small naked warm combination

just a bit heat…
Salut, fato. Yeah, what am I using on my lids? I’m using new metropolitan Decay naked small Heat, which I keep wanting to phone call “Peh-TEE Heat.”

It’s just a bit bit of heat… get it? Minion? like adding one or two drops of Tabasco or Sriracha, rather than submerging your burrito? LAUGH OUT LOUD.


Urban Decay is popular for their O.G. naked Eyeshadow combination as well as the different incarnations of it, like Naked2, naked Smoky, naked utmost Basics…lots of nakedness, as you know. There’s likewise the one they introduced last fall, naked Heat, with its gorgeous bevvy of warm orange as well as reddish browns, which are incredibly stylish colors in eye makeup ideal now as well as for the past couple of years.

Chances are, if you’re a UD collector, or even if you aren’t, you may already have something like small naked warm in your stock now.

In fact, as I believe about it…the Kristen Leanne Daydream combination UD released in January has similar tones…


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

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My point is just that orange-y browns are (still) having a moment, as well as you’ve extremely likely seen lots of of these colors in other palettes as well as pans before.

Just off the top of my head, Vibrate appears like MAC Soft Brown, hot Spell like MAC Saddle, Wild Thing’s a bit like MAC Texture, as well as Strike appears like MAC Swiss Chocolate.

The MAC Mischief Minx combination as well as NARS desired aren’t precisely totally different either.

Wearing small warm on my lids with MAC style blush on my cheeks, as well as MAC velvet Teddy as well as Fenty Gloss Bomb on my lips.
For $29 you get six new matte powder eyeshadow shades based in some type or fashion on the colors in the original naked warm palette, as well as the pans, by the way, are the exact same size as the pans in the larger naked palettes.

Inhale, Vibrate, hot Spell, Wild Thing, Heist as well as Strike

They’re “good” mattes, too, in that they aren’t going to difficulty you to makeup chess…which is to state that they aren’t difficult to use. They aren’t difficult to blend or chalky, as well as don’t apply unevenly.

They’re really extremely versatile as well as flexible as shift shades, or liner, or for contouring your crease if you don’t have a deep one (*raises hand*). Or, you can inject some range into your shimmers by mixing them.

Straight up, you can utilize them in a multitude of methods since they’re drama-free, as well as I’m likewise referring to fallout, since there isn’t any!

I’m using naked small warm with MAC Costa Riche liner as a base.
As for blending, they do it smoothly on top of different eyeshadow bases, too. (Try ’em with the MAC paint Pots sometime!) Coral tones as well as peachy tones, like Layin’ low as well as Perky, both complement these shades well, although I would suggest that if you’re layering cream shadows under the these shadows, you utilize the thinnest layer you can get away with, since they do begin to look thick if you enthusiastically over-apply them.

With the original naked warm for scale…
The shadows are rather pigmented as well, however they aren’t excessively pigmented. I can still quickly manage exactly how much color ends up on my lid as well as where it goes, as well as that’s good, since I don’t understand about you, however I like to apply my shadow with reckless abandon, then do a bit whisking right here as well as there with my blending clean before immediately moving on with my life. as well as you can absolutely do that with this palette.

Final word? great quality, as well as I extremely suggest it, however eval your eyeshadow stock first, since you may have some (or most) of these colors in your collection already.


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P.S. TGIF!!!!

Sfat rapid: Faceți cercurile întunecate o favoare și aplicați finalul concealerului de ochi

dacă concealerul dvs. sub ochi arată gros și greu, aplicați-l ultimul.

Da, îmi dau seama că acest lucru merge împotriva a ceea ce sugerează niște peepuri de machiaj și ar putea suna ciudat, dar dă-i o încercare! Aplicați mai întâi restul machiajului. Faceți-vă ochii, baza, rujul, blush – întreaga nouă metri – și faceți concealerul dvs. sub ochi ca ultimul pas.


Sunt serios! Fă-o * După * Mascara. Dacă sunteți ceva de genul meu, veți folosi subconștient mai puțin concealer fără să vă realizați nici măcar că faceți acest lucru, iar zona dvs. sub ochi va arăta mult mai naturală decât atunci când ascundeți ca unul dintre primii pași.

De ce?

Sincer, nu pot spune sigur! Dar nu-mi pasă. ? Tot ce știu este că atunci când mi-am luat fața integrală cu fundație, pudră, blush, ruj, ad infinitum, am un context de a lucra de la, și este simplu mai simplu să dai seama cât de mult sau cât de puțin concealer de a folosi … De fapt, cât de puțin trebuie să purtați.

Este aceeași idee ca aplicarea rujului roșu înainte de blush. Cât de mult ar trebui să folosești roșii? Baza-l pe luminozitatea / îndrăzneala buzelor.


În practic, în fiecare caz, când îmi fac mai întâi concealerul meu sub ochi, folosesc mult mai mult mai mult decât am nevoie, și cu atât mai puțin concealer am purta, mai ușoară și mai bine arată.

Farmecul tău prietenos de farmec dependent,


5 things I’ve Been Loving Lately

1. Ladybug as well as Bumblebee trays by Rae Dunn

I discovered the cutest trays at HomeGoods! They’re these Rae Dunn rectangle trays, as well as each one has a hand-drawn picture of an insect with its own bit bio, like in a nineteenth century biologist’s field guide.

I’ve got Ladybug as well as Bumblebee. ???


I like that they’re equal parts cutesy as well as science-y at the exact same time.

Is that nerdy of me?

Plus, rectangle trays are so helpful around the house. I keep one in my kitchen area for components I utilize often, like olive oil, salt, pepper, that type of thing. I likewise keep one on a table in my living space that I put fashion jewelry as well as my glasses on, since I’m the type of person who will naturally set things down, like, anywhere… as well as then fail to remember about aceasta.


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

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When I assign locations for things, though, as well as I understand that, “OK, this is where I put my glasses, as well as this is where I put my rings,” it just makes my life easier, as well as these trays are excellent for that.

They’re likewise great in bathrooms, too. I have a tray by the sink for my view or my sound before I laundry my hands.

2. The Five-Minute Journal

I’ve been lovin’ on a lotta things lately, as well as I believe it’s partly since I’ve been doing The Five-Minute Journal every day.

I got this as a gift, as well as it’s so wonderful!

All you do is casually fill out the prompts, noting things you’re grateful for, things you believe would make your day great, things you’d like to work on, as well as things like that… I hope I’m not making it noise hard, since it completely isn’t. I truly look ahead to it now. I do five minutes in the morning after I get up as well as five much more minutes before bed (from in bed).

It’s expected to assist you prime your mind to ensure that you can focus much more on the positive side of things instead of the negative.

I’ve been doing it for practically two weeks, as well as I’ve really notice myself having a much better cattitude now. I truly do. It’s one of the very best gifts I’ve ever received.

3. The Marvelous Mrs. Masiel

This is what I binged last weekend. It’s on Amazon Prime Video, as well as — brace yourself — it’s from the creators of The Gilmore Girls!!!! Yes, it’s by Amy Sherman-Palladino as well as Daniel Palladino.

Aceasta. Este. Asa de. Bun.

The primary character is Miriam “Midge” Maisel, a 1950s housewife from a well-to-do Jewish household in new York. When her marriage falls apart, she required to figure out what she’s going to finish with her life, as well as it may or may not include stand-up comedy. It’s witty, thoughtful, as well as it has that exact same fast, snappy dialogue like Gilmore Girls.

I don’t even understand if this is the method it truly was, however the makeup, the sets as well as the clothes make me desire everybody still dressed to nines just to run to the grocery store.

4. My great morning playlist

I’ve been bumping these tunes best after I get up, while I’m making the bed, washing my face, brushing my teeth as well as putting on lotion for the day.

They set a great tone for productive butt kicking.

The Rascals, It’s a lovely Morning

Natalie Cole, This will Be

Kylie Minogue, stop Me From Falling

Michael Jack as well as Justin Timeberlake, like never felt So Good

5. Bioluminescent Stamps

I utilized to gather stamps when I was a kid, as well as I still like purchasing stamps with special styles at the publish office.

I just got these yesterday — stamps of bioluminescent life!


There’s even a small holo impact when you look at them as well as relocation your head.


Before I go, the cutest thing occurred to me at the publish office yesterday. So, the one by my home is always crowded. There’s always a line, as well as the people are very grumpy. It’s typically at least a 20-minute wait, so when I go I like to just stand there as well as zone out. I even kinda look ahead to it like it’s my unwinding time.

Anyway, when El Hub got house from work yesterday, I left Connor with him as well as went to the publish office since I needed some stamps. While I was standing in line, there was a bit woman there with her parents. She was half Oriental like Connor as well as wanted to be two or three years old. She walked best as much as me, slowly looked me up as well as down, then slowly increased her arms, as if she desired me to pick her up.

It was the cutest thing in the whole broad world! Her mother as well as father were there, as well as they were like, “Are you great with this?” as well as I was like, “Oh, my gosh, yeah!”

I provided her a hug, as well as then she went on her merry way. It was one of the very best things that occurred to me this week.


Tu ce mai faci? What have you been loving lately?

Your frienDly Communith Communith Farm dependent,


Dim sumă: yum!

Am aceste pofte intense pentru o sumă slabă din când în când, și totul mă pot gândi.

Chiar visez despre asta uneori. Mmm … acele găluște de supă care se învârte în gură când muști în ele. OM! Sunt atât de buni.


Nu o să fac dreptate, dar ceea ce este suma slabă? Este ca tapasul în stil chinezesc cu plăci de aperitive mici. În cele mai multe locuri, serverele împing căruțele în jurul meselor cu diferite feluri de mâncare afișate pe ele și alegeți și alegeți care doriți.

Noms, în sensul acelor de ceasornic din partea dreaptă sus: chifle de cremă, orez prăjit, găluște de ceai verde, bile de creveți, găluște de ceapă verde și broccoli chinezi

Există găluște doughy de dimensiuni de mușcătură, cu carne sau fructe de mare amestecate cu câteva legume, cum ar fi varza sau morcovii din interiorul lor și diverse chifle aburit, prăjite sau coapte umplute cu grătar, carne sau legume sau legume.


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

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Este minunat pentru că puteți încerca o grămadă de lucruri diferite, și dacă mergeți cu un grup și toată lumea împărtășește, este chiar mai bine.

Asta am făcut pentru Ziua Mamei. Am plecat la Golful de Est și am avut o masă distractivă, delicioasă la Bistroul BK din Fremont.

Foarte recomandat dacă sunteți vreodată în acest fel. Nu este super fantezist, dar nici nu este foarte scump, iar mâncarea este proaspătă, interesantă și o primesc repede la masă.

Cineva iubește orezul prăjit!

Îl iau de la mama mea …


Porțiunile sunt, de asemenea, mai mari decât de obicei, așa că nu faceți aceeași greșeală pe care am făcut-o prin ordonarea a 20 de mâncăruri pentru cinci adulți și un copil, deoarece vă așteptați ca ei să iasă pe plăci mici (pentru că asta se întâmplă la o mulțime de sumă slabă locurile din oraș). Mâncărurile de gătit ale BK sunt masive prin comparație. IMENS. Deci, vei fi umplut când pleci!

Dependentul de frumusețe din cartierul prietenos,


COVERGIRL Trublend Matte Made foundation Doesn’t Budge for Nothin’

Soakin’ up some early morning sunshine with COVERGIRL Trublend Matte Made foundation in T15 golden Honey on my face. I took this pic in natural light using only the foundation without any type of powder on top.
There are SOOOO many reasons for me not to wear white shirts.

Like feline hair.


Baby food, which is like Liam Neeson in Taken. IT will discover YOU.

And makeup, of course, particularly foundation.

Even before Tabs as well as Connor came along, I was never the type of person who might wear a white shirt without getting tons of foundation around the place, however it’s never stopped me, which is why I was shocked to find after using this legendary new COVERGIRL liquid foundation a few times, coincidentally on days when I was using white shirts (go figure) that there was absolutely NO foundation on my clothes at the end of the day.


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

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E așa de bine!
Like, none. Not even a smudge of foundation on my neckline, WHICH IS totally unusual FOR ME.

Since I’m quite sure that my body hasn’t been taken over by aliens (yet), I believe it’s risk-free to state that it’s the COVERGIRL foundation, which doesn’t go anywhere when it’s on your face.

Before discovering this drugstore gem, the only liquid deal with base I understood of with this magnitude of staying power was MAC deal with & Body. Trublend Matte Made has deal with & Body’s mega-magnetic staying power, however the surface is matte instead of instead of dewy. however it isn’t so matte that your skin looks fake or weird when you put it on, ya know?

“From your preferred COVERGIRL foundation line comes a matte formula that isn’t drying or cakey. TruBlend Matte Made’s formula is established with flexi-hold innovation that produces a strong, yet versatile film on skin for toughness as well as comfort, while the mattifying powders take in oil as well as minimize pores for a soft matte, perfect finish. as much as 12 hours of wear. 12 hr comfort matte.
Pore minimizing. Controlul uleiului. transfer resistant. all in 40 shades.”

— covergirl.com

T15 golden Honey inside your home with a flash (I’m not using any type of setting powder, by the way, just the foundation)

The protection completely evens whatever out as well as blurs pores juust a bit, so you can still see the occasional freckle (OH, HAI).

If you need/want to, however, you can go full-on with it or sheer it out even further, too. It’s simple to do with the pump, which needs no tomfoolery or roguishness to get as bit or as much as you want out of the glass bottle. as well as if your skin gets darker or lighter at different times of year, you don’t even have to feel guilty about choosing up one more shade, ’cause 1) it’s only $9 at Target, as well as 2) it is available in a staggering 40 shades. (Side note: say thanks to goodness for the Fenty effect).

Other drugstore foundations I swear by…

Neutrogena Hydro boost Hydrating Tint — sheer to medium protection with a demi-matte finish

L’Oreal true match Lumi healthy luminous foundation — A dewy surface with medium coverage.

At the moment, I’m somewhat tanner than my usual NC42, as well as T15 golden Honey works for me. Oh, as well as while this foundation handles my combination skin well, if you’re extremely oily and/or prefer flat matte finishes, you may either want to avoid this entirely, or enlist the assist of your preferred blotting powder (I’m a fan of MAC Blot).

Este bine.


Great, even.

Dependentul prietenos de frumusețea comunității,


Saturday Surfing, March 14, 2020

When Target predicts your future
Da! Huzzah! Ura! We made it to the weekend in what officially may go down as the craziest week ever.

Oh, my goodness, right?


Happy Caturday, my friend. We may be locked indoors. We may be exhausted of hearing terms like “self-quarantine,” “social distancing” as well as “fatality rate.” We may be stockpiling toilet paper, however it sure beats the alternative!

Oh, gosh, I’m anxious. Our bit town in the Bay area is truly starting to shut down now. companies are closing left as well as right, as well as I just got an email from Connor’s institution that they’re shutting down all classes for at least two weeks starting Monday. My hours likewise got cut at the bakery since nobody’s stockpiling cupcakes. huge box stores are swarming with people stockpiling cleaning supplies as well as pasta. (And a few of them are behaving badly. Oh, the stories I’ve heard!)

So, yeah, it appears like I’ll be holed up right here at house with Coywolf, PGR as well as El Hub for at least the next two weeks.


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

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I believe we might all utilize a bit additional luck these days, so right here we go…

And some weekend reading…

Makeup stores are responding to COVID-19 by cancelling events, suspending charm services as well as wiping down high web traffic areas with Clorox every hour. Sephora is likewise banning in-store testing.

Because you’re washing your hands a lot, here’s a listing of the very best hand creams, according to dermatologists.

If you’re stuck at home, right here are 12 well-known museums that offer online trips from your couch.

Last of the virus-related stories for now (I promise): exactly how coronavirus is impacting the method makeup artists work.

I’m feeling this blue eyeshadow duchess of Sussex (otherwise understood as Meghan Markle). Don’t you like exactly how you can only truly see it when she blinks? It’s subtle yet kinda fancy at the exact same time. Hmm… I believe I just discovered my new makeup aesthetic.

Staying in much more often? (I take it your response to this is “Yes.”) possibly you may want to do an at-home mani with Vogue’s step-by-step guide to the ideal manicure.

Speaking of nail polish, Target is selling Peeps scented paint for your claws.

“For far as well long, women have been required to submit to male work environment norms, particularly those who serve in the armed forces or in legislation enforcement. very first responders as well as transit workers are commonly subject to gown codes that correspond any type of expression of femininity with weakness. Defenders state we requirement uniformity since it’s essential to preserving authority within the ranks as well as with the public. however that uniformity has been developed around a male body… In almost every walk of life, women’s bodies are policed since of the worry of exactly how guy will react to them.” <---- I delighted in this viewpoint piece on Danielle Outlaw, the new Philadelphia authorities Commissioner as well as the very first black lady to lead the 6,500-member department. We’re due right here for some rain this weekend as well as next week, which leads me to the Hairbrella, a $35 hat developed to shield makeup as well as hair in high humidity, drizzle or downpour. Can you discover the feline hiding on this bed? It took me a minute! Could this types of jellyfish be the future of human skin implants? Just what I needed Currently on repeat I have no concept what’s going on here, however I’m into it. PEEP THE KITTEH! (Also, when upon a time, I might play this.) Just in situation you were unaware, there’s an entire rabbit hole of cats on piano videos on YouTube. Cracked me up! You know, I’d be one of those people having a full-on conversation with Dua Lipa, HA HA HA! PUBLICITATE Cum reziști? Farmecul tău prietenos de farmec dependent, Karen.

Saturday Surfing, November 3rd, 2018

Hiya and good meow-ning!

I have been informed by my employer, and by “informed,” I indicate that somebody has been biting the living daylights out of my ankles and hair (yes, hair), that national cat Day occurred last Monday, October 29th.


I was aware of this, but I neglected to give an proper gift to my employer, as is customary on the aforementioned holiday.

Sorry, Mr. Tabs! I hope the following peace using of Paul & Joe Beaute cat-themed products (observe how the tabbies bear a striking resemblance to you), along with 30 days of extra gravy servings, help to make up for my lapse in judgment.

Now hug your favorite feline ? and get cozy. Let’s do some Saturday Surfing reading!


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

Cumpără acum

The black-footed cat, native to the grasslands of southern Africa, is the world’s deadliest kitty!

For the feline fanatic with a flair for fabulously expensive fashion, may I present you with this pair of Louis Vuitton cat pajamas. They’re only $3,600 (!!!).

If you don’t know, now you know. Freddie Mercury was a may-jah cat lady!

IMO the cats on the Poorly Drawn Cats Twitter are pretty well drawn and very cute.

Meet the rare and elusive cats of the new PBS incredibly Cats series (and then program your DVR, because you don’t want to miss it).

The eternal question: Are cats psychic?

I know this anti-aging Franken-makeup line by Revlon is absolutely not real, but it made me ? a rade. If I could, I would absolutely get the crease-filling Reanimation Primer, which “helps make peeling, undead skin appear fresh all day long,” HA HA HA!

The international Gymnastics Federation recently banned theatrical makeup from professional gymnastics competition, so now only “modest” looks are allowed on the competition floor, and all I have to say to that is…really? They didn’t have anything better to do than police what women athletes wear to compete?

The a lot of random makeup collab ever: Wu-Tang and Milk makeup now have a lipstick line together.

Got $1.5 million in chump change sitting around? If so, maybe you might be interested in the world’s a lot of expensive bottle of perfume.

Bath and Body works just launched a whopping 75 fragrances that smell like ? Crăciun.

Uber shoes are a thing.

Speaking of shoes, have you ever wondered why women’s shoes are so painful?

According to dermatologists, these are the best skin care products for Accutane users.

I love this song by Dua Lipa. Reminds me of ’90s dance music.

One of my faves. A throwback to when MC used to actually sing live (why doesn’t she anymore?).

Those Louis V. cat pajamas are nuts! — but if I were a character in the crazy rich Asians trilogy (I just finished the third book, by the way, which turned my brain into mashed potatoes), I’d wear them to Netflix and chill with Tabs.

Oh — I also just remembered that I just finished the best show on Netflix called The Bodyguard, and no, it isn’t a remake of the Whitney Houston/Kevin Costner movie.

It stars Rob Stark!

And he’s great in it. It’s like a British version of 24 with thrilling plot twists and exciting, tense moments. get into it!


Have a great rest of your day, friend.

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