O zi plină de oportunități

astăzi (sau mâine, în funcție de momentul în care este acolo) viața dvs. vă oferă posibilitatea de a face multe lucruri – ascultați, învățați, iubiți, bucurați-vă, reflectați și împărtășiți.

Sper că iau acele oportunități și ai alerga cu ei.


The MAC laundry as well as dry Collection Technakohl Liners: this time around Around, method Made a ideal Blue

right here I’m using products from the MAC laundry as well as dry collection, which debuts may 14 on the MAC site as well as may 21 on MAC counters as well as in stores.
Asa de. Mult. Da!

MAC Technakohl liner in method Makes Perfect, one of four Technakohl Liners ($17.50) in the laundry as well as dry collection
Rarely does a liner sweep me off my feet.


I believe the last one was MAC Costa Riche. Or was it was BECCA Cabrera…? I’m quite sure it was one of those two.

Whenever it happens, because it doesn’t occur extremely often, I practically promptly panic a little. one of my very first thoughts is typically along the lines of, “How am I going to function when I wear this down to a nub, which I’ll many definitely do?” Or, exactly how much am I going to freak-the-eff out when I can’t discover one of my backups? since let’s be genuine — if it’s that good, I’m most likely getting a backup. Sau două. OK, three.

Seriously, though, I believe MAC’s new Technakohl liner in method Makes ideal is…well, perfect. They ought to have just called it ideal as well as cut out any type of confusion. I believe it’s just about ideal in every single way.


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

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MAC laundry as well as dry collection Technakohl liner in method Makes Perfect, $17.50
It’s a deep, rich, intensely pigmented bluish eco-friendly pencil liner with a twist-up tip. fabulous for lash lines, of course, however I love, love, like it on my water lines (especially the lower water lines). I believe it does wonders for browns eyes, in particular, as well as I promise mine look much more milk chocolatey when I wear it.

It’s relatively no-fuss, too. compared to some blue liners, where I feel like I have to apply four or five layers to ramp up the intensity to a good level, I just utilize two layers of this as well as I’m good.

On top of that, it’s extremely smooth as well as doesn’t migrate or make my sensitive eyes water. I typically reapply after about five hours to freshen it up, which isn’t bad, as well as even then I’m only adding a little.

Ooh! — the color goes truly well with blue, eco-friendly as well as khaki garments (and accessories), as well as I bet it would likewise complement gold shadows as well as golden brown shadows nicely, too.

If you have brown eyes (or hazel eyes, or eco-friendly eyes), you requirement method Makes ideal in yo’ life!

There are four Technakohl Liners in the MAC laundry as well as dry collection (more evaluations here), with the others being marine blue Sudsy, lime Colour matters as well as silvery Coin Operated. Sudsy is the only one I haven’t seen in person yet, however neither of the other two are illumination my fire. I’m kinda “meh” about ’em. The gray, I feel like I’ve seen before, as well as the bright green, while intriguing, likewise leans toward costume for me.

I dunno… perhaps we just requirement to spend much more time together.

MAC laundry as well as dry collection Technakohl Liners, $17.50 each
MAC laundry as well as dry collection Technakohl liner in Colour Matters
MAC laundry as well as dry collection Technakohl liner in Coin Operated
MAC laundry as well as dry collection Technakohl liner in Coin Operated
MAC laundry as well as dry collection Technakohl liner in Colour Matters
Look for method Makes ideal as well as the other three Technakohl Liners in the MAC laundry as well as dry collection when they show up may 14 on the MAC site as well as a week later on may 21 at MAC counters as well as stores.


Farmecul tău prietenos de farmec dependent,


P.S. Where do you stand on the Technakohls in general? Are you a good friend or a foe?

Step right as much as the bareMinerals Kissing booth 6-Piece Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss Collection: A carnival of Glassy, sheer color

bareMinerals Kissing booth Collection Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in Jezebel
Thanks, bareMinerals, for inspiring my latest listing with your new $26 Kissing booth Lipgloss Collection.

I’m calling it “Carnival Attractions That I absolutely never want to Operate.”


bareMinerals Kissing Booth, $26
At the top of the list, the kissing booth, which, yeah, most likely isn’t a great in shape for the woman who freaked-the-eff-out when she discovered out that her (now ex) boyfriend was utilizing her toothbrush (EWWWWWWW!).

Can you picture the germs exchanged during one afternoon at a kissing booth? Um…no say thanks to you.

Carnival Attractions That I absolutely never want to Operate

The kissing booth — Yuck! I don’t understand where those lips have been!

The Ferris wheel — people freaking out in buckets a hundred feet off the ground? I can’t… I just can’t.

The milk bottle baseball game — Oh, hell to the no. exactly how much do you want to bet somebody would hit me with a ball?

The carousel/merry-go-round — Make it stop! The music is driving me nuts…

Now, if I might firmly insist that there were only two clients at my kissing booth, El Hub as well as Tabs (who would get nose kisses, of course), then cool. as well as I’d likewise want these Kissing booth Collection glosses around, since their sheer pigments wouldn’t leave bright smooch marks behind.


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

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These non-sticky glosses look like they should be bright as well as intense on lips, however they’re not. They’re quite sheer sheer on mine — much sheerer than the glosses in the Lipspectacular holiday set.

From the left: huge Tease, lucky Lady, wonderful Kisser, major Flirt, excitement Seeker as well as Jezebel
All six Kissing booth shades begin out just timid of moderately pigmented as well as fade over the program of about 10 minutes up until I can see most of my natural lip color with them.

Even the three glitters are subdued, as well as after applying them, I can can truly only seem them briefly when I’m in full sunlight.

bareMinerals Kissing booth marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in wonderful Kisser
I like my glosses with a sprinkle o’ flash, so if I had to select between this set as well as Lipspectacular…I’d believe I’d go with the latter, which includes six moderately pigmented creamy nudes.


But if you prefer semi-transparent glosses with a faint trace of color, don’t miss the Kissing Booth.

The bareMinerals Kissing booth set includes…

Mini Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in huge Tease, a pinkish nude

Mini Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in lucky Lady, a diamond rose

Mini Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in wonderful Kisser, a strawberry sorbet

Mini Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in major Flirt, a sparkling peony

Mini Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in excitement Seeker, a rich lilac

Mini Marvelous Moxie Lipgloss in Jezebel, a glimmering fuchsia merlot

Size: 2.25 ml/0.07 fl. oz. fiecare

PRICE: $26
AVAILABILITY: offered now on the internet as well as at Sephora as well as bareMinerals boutiques
MAKEUP as well as beauty blog RATING: B

Your friendly community beauty addict,


O amestecare curat ca un vrăjitor folosește o baghetă cu combinație de ochi de 40 de dolari Becca Ombre

folosind Becca Ombre nudes combinație de ochi ($ 40) pe ochii mei
“Este o femeie Kiera cavaler apeluri telefonice pentru a-și face fața băietă?”

Cu combinația Ombre Ombre a lui Becca ($ 40) în sacul de machiaj, Peeps se vor întreba dacă sunteți un artist de machiaj Celeb. Combinația face ca aceasta să fie mai simplă mai simplă pentru a produce un aspect de calibru profesionist, super-amestecat, chiar dacă sunteți complet nou la machiaj.


Serios. Dacă am oferit un bătrân în vârstă de patru ani pe Oreos, precum și cocs de cireșe un cuplu de amestecare perii, această paletă, o orbire, precum și fața mea, acel tânăr ar produce machiajul etanș de Hella arată cel puțin câteva din timp. E bine.

Homele combinate Cinci ochi neutri maro maro, câteva dintre care doar variază ușor, precum și toate au subtil subtil. Câteva dintre nuanțe sunt asociate atât de atent, încât nici măcar nu ar fi trebuit să se căsătorească în unele state.

Deoarece nuanțele sunt atât de asemănătoare, sunt extrem de simple să se schimbe unul în celălalt, făcându-le absolut fantastic pentru ochi tulburi, suflați cu gradienți subtili.


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

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Paleta de 10 USD Becca Ombre Nudes

Și formula catifelată ajută. Shadows alunecă, precum și glisarea ca Tom Cruise în afaceri riscante. Ele sunt simple pentru a coaxializa cu peria mea de amestecare, precum și fără probleme cu Fallout.

Acestea fiind spuse, aș fi în continuare prudență că 224 de când lucrurile se pot transforma foarte repede.

Folosesc o iluminare ambientală a lui Hourglass în strălucire luminoasă, precum și electrici incandescente pe obraji, precum și Tom Ford Lip Color Matte în prune bogat pe buzele mele.
Acest ochi mat maro mixt pe care îl folosesc este unul dintre favoritele mele tot timpul. Nu este Flashy, totuși nu cred că nu iese din stil. În unele cazuri, îl folosesc ca un fel de panza goală pentru a arăta altceva, ca o buză strălucitoare sau o căptușeală strălucitoare, precum și cred că este la fel de asemănător la casă la sărbători sau îmbrăcați în jos pentru muncă.


P.S. Kiera? Înțeleg că ai Lisa Eldridge pe Speed ​​Dial (OMG, ca ea!), Cu toate acestea, dacă te apropii de Novato, Guuuurl, înțelegi unde să mă descopere, precum și combinația mea de nuduri Becca Ombre. Avem Chu.

Pret: $ 40
Disponibilitate: oferită acum la contoarele Becca, magazinele Sephora, precum și Sephora.com
Machiaj, precum și ratingul blogului de farmec: A- (umbrele pot obține un pic noroios dacă le-ați amestecat.)

Farmecul tău prietenos de farmec dependent,


Ziua în frumusețe vol. 14: The newly Reformulated Chanel Le Vernis nail Lacquers, Mythical Brow Genies, My new favorite necklace by Misa Jewelry, and Waffles at the Witching hour

If there were such a thing as an eyebrow genie that would grant three eyebrow-related wishes, first of all, that would be AWESOME, and second, I’d wish for the following…

1. For the super-skinny brow trend of the ‘90s to have never happened, even if it risked messing with the space-time continuum, because it would save literally millions of brow hairs from being plucked away into oblivion… I’d be like the John Connor of eyebrows.


2. To just wake up one morning and have my brows look exactly like Kiera Knightly’s in this Chanel ad, without having to do any of the, you know, actual work.

Sooo much brow envy right at this moment. You don’t even know. These are pretty much my dream brows, le sigh…

3) A stack of banana pancakes and a large vanilla shake, because I can’t think of a third brow-related wish, and I am SO hungry right MEOW.


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

Cumpără acum

New Chanel Le Vernis

Now, can we take a moment to redirect our eyes away from Kiera’s remarkable brows to focus on these nail polishes for a second? — because they deserve some sweet, sweet, lovin’.

These cuties are five of the 15 recently relaunched Chanel Le Vernis nail polishes ($28 each)?

All I have to say is wow!

Chanel completely revamped the formula, which is now billed as long-wearing and 5-free (no dibutyl phthalate, toluene, formaldehyde, formaldehyde resin or camphor), and the new brilliantly shiny, glossy, gel-like finish reminds me of Seche Vite strat de acoperire.

The new line of 15 shades includes old favorites like Vamp and Particuliere, alongside some new colors.

Here’s a quick swatchy-poo of the five shades I have…

I asked Tabs for his professional opinion on which one I should wear for a mani, and he picked creamy reddish hot pink Camelia, a decision he relayed to me telepathically, sending his kitty thoughts into my mind.

Yes, we’ve reached that point in our relationship. cat ladies, I know that you know what I’m talking about (at least I think you do…or I’ve lost my damn mind, which is also a strong possibility).

The new formula’s been a breeze to work with. From the moment the brush touches the base of a nail up through the ends of my tippy-tip-tips, I get smooth, consistent, even color. The cosmetic chemists who worked on this must’ve spent more than a few lunch hours shooting the sh*t over how to get the viscosity just right, because it’s totally on point.

I feel like a single coat is enough for four of the five here (Pirate, Camelia, Garconne and Organdi), while Ballerina is one of those purposefully sheer shades that probably needs more layers, depending on how you want to wear it.

It hasn’t been long enough to tell for sure, but my guess is that these are going to last at least as long as other high-end gel-like polishes (Deborah Lippmann comes to mind). After two full days and much typing, some dish washing and some middle-of-the-night cooking (!), the mani I did with two coats of Camelia, along with a base and top coat, still looks new and fresh.

Really liking these so far…


Here’s Camelia, by the way, with my new favorite necklace, the Branch necklace by Misa Jewelry, which I’ve been wearing every day since Valentine’s.

Waffles in the wee hours

So, yeah, about that middle-of-the-night cooking… I was down in my kitchen last night at 3:30 a.m. making waffles, and I don’t know if that’s an early sign of labor, or if it’s just regular hunger, but I’ve been waking up lately in the wee hours ravenous with a loud and extremely rumbly tummy.

The first night it happened, I just let my stomach growl. second night, I tried to fall back to sleep, but I just couldn’t. The rumbling was SO LOUD, like that sudden screech in scary movies, so I got up, waddled downstairs to the kitchen, toasted two frozen waffles and slathered them with peanut butter and raisins (don’t knock it ’til you try it). Then, I washed everything down with a tall glass of warm milk and went back to bed.

Maybe this is BG’s way of carbo-loading before she makes the trip out of Chez Mama?

Numai timpul va spune…


Dependentul de frumusețe din cartierul prietenos,



Jucați-vă pomeții cu TopShop Glow Stick în jocul în sus

Există o calitate delicată pentru stick-ul de strălucire al lui Topshop în joc (15 $) care vorbește cu partea din mine care iubește un punct culminant și subtil.


Apoi, există o altă parte a mea că imaginile repede o mare de oameni transpiratori cu bastoane strălucitoare care se învârte în sus și în jos în ritm într-un basit greu într-un depozit izolat, dar eu digress …


Jucați-vă ar putea fi prea nuanțată pentru dvs. Dacă vă place strălucirea dvs. pentru a striga de pe acoperișuri (dacă este cazul, aș putea sugera Aura la decăderea urbană?), Dar îmi săpun Sheenul de șampanie de aur, ceea ce îmi amintește puțin de pulbere ambientală a clepsiunii în lumină luminos.

Dacă doriți să vă jucați pomeții superioare cu jocul, faceți o dată de redare pentru a vă verifica magazinul Topshop din apropiere, Nordstrom sau verificați-l online.

What Are 5 of Your preferred Errrthing products best now (Not necessarily Makeup)?

What are your 5 preferred “errrthing” products best now?

toate lucrurile; all the things of a group or class.
“he taught me errrthing I know”
synonyms: each item, each thing, errr single thing, the lot, the whole lot
antonyms: nuh’in

the present situation; life in general.
“how’s errrthing?”

At any type of provided moment, possibilities are something’s rocking my boat, like a huge life-sized Ryan Gosling body pillow, Charlie the rainbow pegasus, vegan thumbprint oatmeal cookies, etc., etc.


You understand exactly how it goes.

Here are five of my present preferred errrthing products best now.

1. Kerastase Spray À doorperson ($36 for a 150ml bottle)

Kerastase Spray À Porter
This week, in a shock to everybody (including myself), I’ve really had the motivation to, ya know, do something with my hair other than throw it into a bun as well as fugghetaboutit. So, out came the Kerastase Spray À Porter.


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

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I hadn’t utilized it in a while as well as didn’t recognize exactly how low I was up until I was halfway with styling my mop yesterday as well as heard the nozzle go pffffft.


Good thing Karen from the past was forward-thinking sufficient to recognize that present timeline Karen would get into this situation, as well as for that reason kept a backup bottle in the hair products drawer.

Yeah, this stuff is the ISH. I understand I’ve most likely been gushing about it for a year, however it’s essentially a styling spray that does a bit bit of everything, as well as it does everything so well that you may not even need/want anything else.

It texturizes, volumizes, provides light hold (not as well crunchy), improves waves as well as lifts roots. You can even utilize it as a dry shampoo to take in oil in a pinch.

I don’t even understand why I keep trying other hair products with Kerastase Spray À doorperson around.

Oh, așteptați! – Stiu. It’s called short-term charm memory, haha!

2. Cuisinart wise Stick 2-Speed Hand Blender ($59.95)

GURL, you understand my cooking typically falls somewhere in the spectrum between “questionably edible” as well as “downright gross,” however I’ve been trying to be much better lately as well as cut down on processed foods, as well as eat much more of the bountiful fruit of the loins of the earth…

My mother got me this Cuisinart Hand Blender for Christmas last year, as well as I youngster you not, I utilize it practically every freaking day.

I utilize it to make smoothies, beat eggs, purée soup, do my hair…

NU! Not that last one.

I likewise have a routine blender, however I don’t like carrying it out, as well as then having to clean it up as well as put it away again.

I know, very first world kitchen area Problems.

This hand blender, though, is so simple to store as well as clean, as well as it just works. I utilized it to make this Pink Power Detox Smoothie this morning, by the way, as well as it was BOMB.

I would’ve taken a photo of it but, as usual, I inhaled it as well quickly, haha! (the smoothie, not the blender)

3. MAC cream Colour Base in Hush ($21)

MAC cream Colour Base in Hush, $21
You understand exactly how you in some cases you squirrel away a product that you like in drawer, however then time passes as well as you not only fail to remember that you like it, however that it even exists?

That’s what occurred to this pan of MAC cream Colour Base in Hush.

Try not to be hypnotized by the restricted edition Pedro Lourenço packaging…because it’s likewise offered in the long-term line.

Hush, a frosty soft peach with icy shimmer
Anyway, Hush. This pearly peach cream highlighter (the finest one available now!) is one of those treasures that you don’t keep in mind exactly how much you like up until you discover it after it goes missing.

You can wear it on bare skin, on top of foundation, as well as even on top of powder. in some cases I utilize mine to blend out the edges of a shift shade on my eyes, as well as then I’ll pop a bit in the inner corners for dat luminous look.

If radiant skin is your #1 priority, get thee in yo’ life, ASAP.

4. adorable Sonix iphone situations (about $35 each at Nordstrom)

The Sonix iphone situation in Fuschia Bloom
El Hub got me this for Valentine’s Day, as well as it’s one of my preferred phone situations ever.

I believed it may be as well slippery at first, because it’s extremely smooth as well as practically slick, however it’s not. It feels comfy in my paw, as well as it’s simple sufficient to grip (haven’t dropped it yet, knocks on wood).

I saw on the Nordstrom site the other day that Sonix likewise has one with a pineapple design.


Don’t ask me why, however I’ve been irrationally consumed with pineapple prints lately. The obsession actually came out of nowhere,Cu toate acestea, acum este aici, așa că mă rostogolesc cu ea.

Cred că o să cumpăr astăzi acest lucru dacă aș suprapune orice pe lista mea de sarcini.

Cumpărăturile ca motivație, prietenul meu. Funcționează de fiecare dată.

5. Kate Spade Playa Flamingo Bustier de baie de o singură bucată ($ 151)


Shout-out la vizitatorul Marisa pentru a arăta acest costum de costume de baie Kate Spade Playa Flamingo, care are nevoie în mod clar să-și descopere metoda în garderoba mea mai devreme decât mai târziu.


De asemenea, Shout-out la Rachel R., care mi-a spus această poveste amuzantă de flamingo, care de fapt mă cracase timp de 10 minute!

Funny Flamingo-legat de poveste: Timp de 10 ani, m-am ocupat într-un oraș mai bine la coasta Oregonului, precum și a existat o dezvoltare a locuințelor. Acest cuplu mai vechi a pus un cuplu flamingos din plastic în curtea lor. Consiliul de Administrație le-a făcut să le elimine. Cu toate acestea, nu a existat nimic în Cartă despre ce culoare ați putea picta casa.

Da! Ei și-au pictat întregul McMansion în Flamingo Rink, precum și puneți lumini în formă de flamingo, precum și fotografii în câteva din ferestrele lor. De asemenea, Consiliul nu a putut face nimic despre asta. N-am înțeles personal, totuși oamenii erau eroii mei! Că casa a fost roz de 10 ani. Ultima am fost în acest fel, casa era încă roz.

– Rachel R.

Farmecul tău prietenos de farmec dependent,


The new Dolce & Gabbana Shimmer glow winter Collection: A perfect fit for Your favorite suit of fancy Armor

wearing the new Dolce & Gabbana Shimmer glow winter collection on my eyes, cheeks and lips
Chain mail chic.

Picture ScarJo riding a white warhorse while hoisting Dolce & Gabbana’s banner and rocking a custom-tailored suit of chain mail.


LAUGH OUT LOUD! and looking hot, because I can’t imagine her ever looking awkward in armor, but anyways! That’s the feeling I get from the seven-piece Shimmer glow winter collection, which was, fittingly, inspired by armor (or armour, depending on your POV).

Cool-toned chain mail grays and gunmetals feature prominently, as do varying levels of shimmer and shine, but because this is Dolce & Gabbana, the total package still seems seductive, sultry and gloriously wearable.

The collection’s crazy gray lipstick (Moon 69) perfectly embodies the idea.


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

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I mean just look at it — there are 50 shades of cray in that tube! expect advanced future human-robot babe hybrids to be carrying something like it to da club in the year 2115.

Interestingly, even though it looks cool and cold and tough in the tube, it’s shockingly wearable. Yes, it starts a little gray and nuts, obviously, but because it is quite sheer (it’s mostly sparkle, actually, with very little gray pigment), it mellows out on your lips, eventually becoming something you could comfortably wear to your grandma’s house without her looking at you disapprovingly and muttering, “Kids today!”

Similarly, the Smooth Eye Colour Quad in Smokey Eyes dust 103 ($60) also exudes chain mail (it houses a light shimmery, silvery bluish gray; a medium matte gray; a dark blackish gray; and a single cool-toned shimmery, lemony beige). The two shimmers bring high-fashion glow and shine, while the mattes keep the quad grounded.

The seven-piece Dolce & Gabbana Shimmer glow winter collection
Smooth Eye Colour Quad in Smokey Eyes dust 103
Shimmer Powder
I usually prefer warm color temps to cool, but I don’t shy away from grays (see: the hourglass Visionnaire Duo in Prism).

These particular shades, though, I feel are a tad too cool for my skin… I think they’ll work better on Knights of the Cool-Toned Table.

That said, the powders themselves are lovely. Dolce & Gabbana’s eyeshadows blend so well that they’re almost too easy to blend. If you, like me, tend to over-blend sometimes, I feel ya dawg. Abține; otherwise, you’ll end up with muddy lids.

As for the new Shimmer Powder, it’s almost exactly like Chanel illusion D’Ombre in Fantasme. same spongy texture, same fine flecks of glitter, same raison d’être (use it as a highlighter, or like a glittery topcoat for your eyeshadow). just pat it directly on your skin with fingers.

In the pot, the two look almost identical, but on skin, Dolce & Gabbana’s Shimmer Powder conveys more of its straight-up silvery white glitter than Fantasme, which also has pieces of pink and green micro glitter.

I like both…but I think I prefer Fantasme. It just looks a tad warmer (due to the pink) and works a bit better for me.

Shine Lipstick in Moon 69

Shine Lipstick in Angel rose 167

Shine Lipstick in Shimmer nude 28

Shine Lipstick in Crystal 46
Intense nail Lacquer in Pearl Shimmer
Smooth Eye Colour Quad in Smokey Eyes dust 103
Shimmer Powder
Shine Lipsticks from the left: Crystal 46, Shimmer nude 28, Moon 69 and Angel rose 167
That’s Smooth Eye Colour Quad in Smokey Eyes dust 103 and Shimmer Powder on my lids and shine Lipstick in Shimmer nude on my lips


If you’ve been looking for makeup to wear with your favorite suit of fancy armor, you’re in luck! There are lots of metal-friendly cool tones here and tons of refined sparkle.

The seven-piece Dolce & Gabbana Shimmer glow winter collection includes…

Shimmer Powder Duo Creamy Powder or Cheeks and Eyes (new), $36

Smooth Eye Colour Quad in Smokey Eyes dust 103 (new), $60

Shine Lipsticks in Crystal 46, Shimmer nude 48, Moon 69 and Angel rose 167 (all new), $37 each

Nail Lacquer in intense Pearl Shimmer 805 (new), $25

The collection is available now exclusively online at Sephora.

Dependentul de frumusețe din cartierul prietenos,


5 lucruri aflate în prezent pe listarea mea de dorințe

Trubadour Contrast Trupe Cercetare Rochie (228 dolari la antropologie)
1. Trubadour Contrast de cercetare de studiu Rochie de la antropologie

Trubadour Contrastour de cercetare Rochie de studiu (228 dolari la antropologie)
Cât de adorabilă este această rochie!?

Îmi place spatele înapoi, precum și cred că culorile neutre ar funcționa pentru oferte mari de evenimente diferite (imaginați-o cu o pereche de pompe luminoase … poate în roz fierbinte?).


Doresc să am o sărbătoare sau ceva de genul pentru a merge așa că am avut un motiv minunat pentru a obține această cutie!

2. Molly Hatch cani de la antropologie

Molly Hatch cani (12 dolari fiecare la antropologie)
Bună ziua, inspirație! Fiecare dintre aceste cani are un pic plăcut afirmând pe față.

Ce metodă excelentă pentru a începe o dimineață.


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

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3. Karma reciclată de la Nordstrom

Reciclate Karma Tee (22 $ la Nordstrom)
Shout-out la masa mea preferată a zilei, ce-what! La brunch puteți face pe toți fericiți, deoarece există lucruri minunate pentru minunatele oameni dinți-ed (cum ar fi cu adevărat), precum și chestii savuroase pentru iubitorii savori.

4. Rochia țărănească Anwen cu o septembrie de la antropologie

Anwen țărănească rochie de către o septembrie ($ 148)
De obicei, sunt mai mult în rochii structurate, totuși am săpat cu adevărat fluxul acestei rochii, precum și tesatura texturată. Pe lângă pariu că forma, precum și culoarea roz moale, ar fi mai mare oferte de diferite fizice, precum și de tonuri de piele.

5. Apartamente de greutăți de pielea riene de la Nordstrom

Sărăcia apartamente de către Piele RIAN Carry ($ 91.90 la vânzare la Nordstrom, prețul complet de 138 dolari)

Nu că am nevoie de încă o poartă mai mult în viața mea (chiar și una la fel de deschisă, precum și spațioasă ca asta), totuși acest lucru este atât de bun. Este și piele naturală moale.

Este, de asemenea, mare, cu toate acestea, indiferent de imens, precum și include o mână detașabilă care închide smartphone-urile, cardurile de istoric de credit etc.


Omule, ar fi trebuit să pictez glonțul. Poate că trebuie să mă întorc la magazin mâine cu cartea mea de cadou Nordstrom …

Dependentul prietenos de frumusețea comunității,


Comentariu pentru a câștiga un card de 50 de dolari de la Mac! (Se termină luni)

** Giveaway este închis **
Acest Giveway este închis, iar câștigătorul a fost contactat (Felicitări, Kim !!!), dar verificați sâmbăta viitoare pentru o altă Giveway.

Bună dimineața, gloria (sau seara sau după-amiaza, în funcție de ora în care există). E dimineața pentru mine aici, în Foggy Novato.

Încă mai încurcăm. Ieri am luat-o ușor și tocmai am prins ceva timp. Ideal acum sunt pe drum spre ușă la clasa de ochi fumoase SEPHORA Nightime, și asta trebuie să fie foarte distractiv. Aștept cu nerăbdare acest lucru.


Sper că aveți un weekend teribil și faceți ceva distractiv. Vă mulțumim de un milion de ori peste tot ajutorul dvs. și pentru e-mailul dvs. dulce și comentați note în ultimele zile. Acum am o gestionare mult mai bună asupra lucrurilor consumabile pentru bebeluși și care sunt într-adevăr nevoie de nevoile față de frumos-a-au nevoie (Takeaway principală: am nevoie de multe, dar este mai puțin decât am crezut).


Și, de asemenea, vă mulțumesc că ați fost dulce și amabili. Nu sunt suficiente din aceste zile, dar o mică bunătate continuă să meargă mult în viață. Vă mulțumesc și vă iubesc foarte mult, prietene.

Un (1) carte de Egift Mac constând din 50 de dolari trimise câștigătorului prin e-mail (cititoare internaționale, puteți opta pentru a primi 50 de dolari trimise de Paypal în schimb).

Introduceți prin lăsarea unui comentariu de mai jos.

Deschis la cititorii internaționali și internaționali.

Trebuie să aveți 18 ani sau mai mult pentru a intra (sau altfel un adult bazat pe legile locale).

Comentariul dvs. poate fi deloc despre orice, dar aici sunt câteva idei dacă sunteți blocați:

Pe o scară de 1-10 (cu 10 fiind Bangin ‘), cum ați evalua în prezent sprâncenele dvs.?

Ați plecat vreodată într-o călătorie cu un grup mare de oameni?

Cine este prietenul tău preferat de băut?

Care este cea mai mare (ca în dimensiunea fizică) carte dețineți?

Ți-ai decorat casa pentru Halloween? Dacă da, spune-mi despre asta.

Care este unul dintre modelele dvs. preferate de textile?

O intrare pe persoană.

Trebuie să utilizați o adresă de e-mail valabilă pentru a câștiga.

Giveaway se termină luni, 26 octombrie 2015 la ora 11:59 (Pacific Time).

Dependentul dvs. de recurs de vecinătate prietenos,


Pisici & machiaj Sweatshirt?

$ 42.

Cumpără acum
